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New washbasins collection

A new aesthetic value

We have exploited and optimized our experience in the processing of stainless steel and stone that characterize our design radiators to create a new line of products in the bathroom environment with the style that characterizes us.
By implementing production lines and acquiring new machinery we have managed to produce a range of stainless steel and acrylic stone washbasins, with a strong aesthetic value combining beauty, uniqueness and practicality.
The idea of creating a washbasins line with sinuous shapes but with very reduced wall thicknesses oriented our choice on 4 mm thick stainless steel. This material guarantees non-deformability, the highest level of hygiene, ease of cleaning and a low environmental impact as it is 100% recyclable.
The choice of this material has given the possibility to create shapes that cannot be realized with other materials. Each washbasin is welded, sanded and finished by hand, this entirely handcrafted process guarantees top quality control.